We have all heard it before. Eat right. Exercise. Get plenty of sleep. Sometimes our hectic work and lifestyle does not allow us to balance all three on a daily basis, but I have singled out a few habits which should be put into your daily lifestyle to maintain a wonderful, healthy you.
Drink (8) Glasses of Water Everyday- Water boosts your metabolism and keeps your organs running smoothly. Use your thirst as a guide for when and how much to drink says, Holly Phillips, MD, a women's health specialist. You should not worry if you have gone a whole day without drinking much. You most likely quenched your thirst through foods with high water content. Some high water foods are soups, pasta, rice, fruits, and vegetables.
Work Out for (1) Hour Daily- A study out this year suggests women must do 60 minutes of exercise daily to keep from balooning as they age. There is no need to be boggled by this eact time. Study shows 30 minutes will keep your average body frame fit. As long as you get a 30 minute cardio workoutfour times a week, you should stay in shape.
Wearing Heels will Deform Feet by 40- As much as we emphasize comfort here at Sergi Shoes, we still like to be able to wear and see our customers look great with their heels on. We recommend switching up from heels to flats or sandals after the work day. The fit of the shoe is what will determine how heels effect your feet. Boston podiatrist, Jordana Szpiro comments "Just a half -size in the length and width can lead to blisters, bunions, calluses, foot and leg pain." Not wearing the right size makes your feet form to the too-small space and creating skin rub or frction. If you wear tight shoes, all of your weight is shifted to the balls and toes of your feet. Your weight should be evenly distributed between the balls and heels. Mke sure you can wiggle your toes comfortably when you are standing up and feet have slid forward a bit. Make sure your sides don't feel pinched.
You Need Tons of Fruits and Veggies- It is easier to consume 4-1/2 cups of fruits and vegetables. a small apple, 8 strawberries, or 12 baby carrots count as 1 cup. An entree salad or bowl of veggie based soup can be counted as 2 cups or more.
10 Extra Pounds can Cause Health Problems- Carrying up to 10 extra pounds won't substantially increase your chances of diabetes, heart problems, cnacer, or any other condition," says Steven Nissen, MD, chairman of the department of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic. As this number rises past 10 pounds , there will be the chance of health complications. The extra weight we are talk about is the wait centered near your belly. These are fat cells that surround vital organs and lead to health problems. The fat cells above your hips can lead to heart issues. Want to check your ideal weight for your height, use this equation to see what your weight should be. (5 x height in inches above 5 feet + 100 =____)
Not Rested Without (8) Hours of Sleep per Night- "Plenty of people feel reasonably rested after six or seven hours, while others may need eight one day after being more active than usual yet require less the next," says Thomas Balkin, PhD, chairman of the National Sleep Foundation's board of directors. There is no universal number that applies to everyone everyday. Listen to your body and figure out the sleep it needs. making yourself try to fall asleep my lead to stress, anxiety, and ultimately, a poor nights rest.
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