Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding: Fashion turns Royalesque

The Scene

Westminster Abbey was the location of The Royal Wedding for Prince William and Kate Middleton. Expections were high and a nation with political and social problems united as one on this joyous occasion. The red carpet rolled out for the royal members of the royal family. We are here to list the fashion trends we saw on the early hours of New York standard time. The event was timeless and the new generation of royalty said their "I do's" to officially claim their stage of holy matrimony. Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip (Queen Elizabeth's husband), and Prince Charles could not have been anymore happier then seeing their young millenial prince find his true love in Kate Middleton. As for Kate Middleton's parents, I applaud them for fitting in and presenting themselves quite prestigious on today's wedding coming from the middle-class. For fashionisitas, color and "hats" were a big thing. The main fashion curiosity, which was Kate Middleton's wedding dress was finally revealed. Here are our skimmed trends of the Royal Wedding.

Prince William (Now, Duke of Cambridge)

The prince wore a bright, red military uniform which belonged to a brave Irish soldier he met while being stationed in the UK. The combination of red coat and black slacks was classic British combinations (example; British guards). His 2 medals were attached on his left pec to distinguish his service in the Air Force of Britain as well as a lavendar sash representing the Irish soldier's bravery.

Kate Middleton

Her wedding dress, designed by Sara Burton for the Alexander McQueen Council, featured a beautiful lace top with sleeves, a modest lengthed train, and a classic adorned veil. Her minimal jewelry was perfect enough to keep her classy look and not overbear her dress.

Queen Elizabeth

Her majesty wore a two piece suit in bright yellow. She topped it off with her signature adorned hat in yellow as well.

Prince Harry

The "best man" wore a black military uniform in traditional adorned shoulders and front with golden ropes. His 6 medals for his military service were attached on the left side of his chest.

The Distinguished Guests

If Lady Gaga was the special musical guest and Alexander McQueen was still alive today they would be very proud of the trend they established in the past 3 years. The sea of colorful hats was apparent, but it did not stop these fine women from showing off some fashion. Each hat was of a different design either fully fitted, kindly tilted, or halfway frontal. It definitely stood out to distingush each women's outfit. SHOES: Our favorite section! Jimmy Choo prevailed as the Royal shoe of the day. The different bright colors were apparent, but the designs stayed classy and sexy. The majority wore styles such as dorsay and classic pointy pumps.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ready to walk into the WILD SIDE!

Create your own video slideshow at

Our New Design inspires nature and the wild side in you!

Monday, April 25, 2011


Welcome to Inspiration Tuesdays! Each Tuesday we are inspiring our network of fabulous women and inviting new members to our network. Inspire someone at work to feel great about who you are and what you have accomplished. You deserve to feel Great. "Because you're AMAZING JUST THE WAY YOU ARE" Pass this along to a friend or friends who probably need some inspiration or simply a reason to smile about. Help other people feel inspired today. Spread the word! Make someone smile:)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tell your Fun Wedding Experience

TELL YOUR FUN STORY: In this season of weddings, we are asking, ever attended a wedding where you experienced something crazy or silly? Example: toddlers running at ceremony, lateness or bride/groom appearance, or reception meltdowns. Let us know and share your fun story!

Sergi's fun wedding story (true story)...: centerpiece is so big, the votive candles started to catch on fire. All candles had to be removed-Luckily no one was hurt!