Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Do Professional Women Lose Confidence in their Abilities during Motherhood?

New moms may find discrepancies by the roles they transition from college graduate, to career woman, to fianceee, to wife, and to motherhood. These identity shifts may cause stress and overwhelming snesation on how not too loose "control" of the things they used to before motherhood and as a career woman. There are mixed perceptions that a new mom's worth is less when she has a baby. These women should not for any reason. This may only be true in numbers of she completely left her company she worked with before her pregnancy. A percentage of new moms have been relying on freelancer/consultant jobs because of the flexibility these jobs provide. These moms have new responsibilites now and I do not believe new moms perceive themselves worth less and loosing their drive to demand more back in the business world. The tables turn when you have children. You need more time for them and everything else on your schedule. These new moms need to tackle this avalanche of new responsibilities as a mom and they seek help by finding that "balance". What are your suggestions?

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